Sunday, July 3, 2011

Piropilit Reddish Brown And White Patches

I introduce my area, as a sign of the wealth of Indonesia
As expressed posts earlier on (Piropilit--Al2Si4O10(OH)2), that piropilit has a white, pale yellow, reddish brown and/or. In post had previously been shown pictures of white color piropilit, grayish the post so on presented the piropilit brown color with reddish brown spots and piropilit white. The two minerals with different colors is found in the quarry's location in the village of piropilit Argotirto Sub Sumbermanjing, Malang. Piropilit reddish brown color and white spots of Brown piropilit this number is not as big a piropilit piropilit which is white and greyish white. Because of different color that is what makes "feel masel" curious
According to Dr. Sunaryo, S.Si., M.Si., Chairman of the Physics Department of Geophysical Studies Programs FMIPA, Brawijaya University was unfortunate that the color red on the sides of piropilit comes from feldspar. Feldspar, piropilit also included in the Group of silicate minerals composed of aluminium and silica. This Mineral is the most common or most minerals found on Earth. Next Dr. Sunaryo explains that the red line (see picture above) that shows the process of perlapisan of feldspar. While the images down, feldspar white patches of Brown, some say that the brown color comes from sewage containing potassium.
natural resource information